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Linux与Unix。 两者之间有什么区别? (Linux vs Unix. What are the differences between the two?)

If you began your IT career about a decade ago, chances are high that you did so at a time when Linux had already carved a niche for itself in the Computing world.


Presently, Linux is the darling of data centers and makes up a huge chunk of the Android smartphone market. Leading cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure and Digital Ocean offer a significant percentage of services running on the Linux platform.

目前, Linux是数据中心的宠儿 ,在Android智能手机市场中占据很大的份额。 AWS,Microsoft Azure和Digital Ocean等领先的云提供商提供了在Linux平台上运行的大量服务。

If you’ve worked with virtual servers before, or any cloud-based technology, chances are you’ve handled Linux.


So, what’s Linux?


Linux is a free and open source operating system that is widely used in enterprise systems as well as desktop and laptop environments. It comes in several distributions with RedHat making up 65-80% of the data center market. While it is not free to use (RedHat requires a subscription service), it remains dominant in enterprise Systems with the rest of the share taken up by Windows variants. Other distributions that are free to use and common in data centers include Debian and CentOS.

Linux是一种免费的开源操作系统,广泛用于企业系统以及台式机和笔记本电脑环境。 它有多个发行版,其中RedHat占据了数据中心市场的65-80%。 尽管它不是免费使用的(RedHat需要订阅服务),但它在企业系统中仍然占主导地位,其余份额由Windows变体占据。 其他可免费使用且在数据中心通用的发行版包括DebianCentOS

Nowadays, Linux is everywhere: from Smart TVs, Android smartphones, tablets to other Linux embedded devices which constitute IoT- Internet of Things devices.


In some discussions, you may have probably heard Linux referred to as a Unix-like operating system. So, what is this Unix buzzword? Is Unix the same as Linux? What’s the difference between Unix and Linux? Let’s dive and unravel this mystery.

在一些讨论中,您可能已经听说过Linux,它被称为类Unix操作系统。 那么, 这个Unix流行词是什么? Unix是否与Linux相同? Unix和Linux有什么区别? 让我们深入探讨这个谜题。

Unix系统 (Unix)

To wrap our minds around Unix, we first need to go back in time and learn about its history. Unix is an operating system that was created at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the late 1960s by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie.

为了使我们对Unix怀有深刻的了解,我们首先需要回顾过去并了解其历史。 Unix是Ken Thompson和Dennis Ritchie在1960年代后期在AT&T贝尔实验室创建的操作系统。

Dennis Ritchie was responsible for discovering the C Programming language which is still widely used in software development.

Dennis Ritchie负责发现仍在软件开发中广泛使用的C编程语言。

Ken Thompson invented Go language and the UTF-8 character encoding that’s still in use today. Initially, the two were working on an Operating System called Multics, which was designed to run multiple programs at the same time.

肯·汤普森Ken Thompson)发明了Go语言和今天仍在使用的UTF-8字符编码。 最初,这两个是在名为Multics的操作系统上工作的,该操作系统旨在同时运行多个程序。

But the two experts got frustrated with the direction and the scope the project was taking and started working on an alternative which was known as UNICS – Uniplexed Information and Computing Service. Over time, this changed to UNIX.

但是,两位专家对项目的方向和范围感到沮丧,并开始研究称为UNICS的另一种方法-Uniplexed Information and Computing Service 。 随着时间的流逝,此更改为UNIX。

UNIX was later rewritten in C programming language in 1972 and this set it apart from all the Operating Systems. AT&T thereafter licensed the source code of UNIX. Soon, UNIX outgrew Bell Labs and started being used in Universities, and research institutions.

UNIX后来在1972年用C编程语言重写,这使它与所有操作系统区分开。 此后,AT&T许可了UNIX的源代码。 不久,UNIX超越了贝尔实验室,并开始在大学和研究机构中使用。

One of the Universities that started using UNIX was the University of California in Berkeley. Engineers at Berkeley continued developing the Operating System and this spawned a new derivative called BSD – Berkeley Software Development.

开始使用UNIX的大学之一是位于伯克利的加利福尼亚大学 。 伯克利的工程师继续开发操作系统,这催生了一个名为BSD的新衍生产品-伯克利软件开发公司。

BSD came with additional software and enhanced capabilities. Over time, AT&T detached itself from Bell Labs and made a foray into the Computer market selling its first commercial version of UNIX in the early ’80s. This version of UNIX became popularly known as System V.

BSD附带了其他软件和增强的功能。 随着时间的流逝,AT&T从贝尔实验室脱离出来,进军计算机市场,在80年代初出售了其第一个商业版本的UNIX。 UNIX的这个版本被普遍称为SystemV。

We now had 2 versions of UNIX; System V from AT&T and BSD which was being developed in the University of California. From these two versions, popular branches of UNIX were spawned. These included Sun’s Solaris and HP-UX which were derivatives of System V and Ultrix from the BSD heritage.

现在,我们有2个版本的UNIX。 加利福尼亚大学正在开发的AT&T和BSD 系统V。 从这两个版本中,产生了UNIX的流行分支。 其中包括Sun的Solaris和HP-UX,它们是BSD继承的System V和Ultrix的衍生产品。

Soon, the BSD family became more popular than AT&T which opened doors to variations such as OpenBSD, NetBSD, and FreeBSD. Although some variants such as FreeBSD are still in use today, their usage has dwindled over time especially in the server market. However, OS X which is now popularly known as Mac OS is a BSD derivative.

很快,BSD系列变得比AT&T更为流行,后者为OpenBSD,NetBSD和FreeBSD等变体打开了大门。 尽管诸如FreeBSD之类的某些变体至今仍在使用,但随着时间的流逝,它们的使用量逐渐减少,尤其是在服务器市场中。 但是,现在被广泛称为Mac OS的OS X是BSD派生的。

Linux简介 (Introducing Linux)

In Finland in the early 1990s, a computer scientist called Linus Torvalds wanted to further make some improvements on the existing Unix operating system, specifically the Minix OS which was another derivative of Unix. His goal was to create a free kernel, using several GNU tools such as GCC – GNU compiler collection, and bash. Below is a letter making his first announcement before releasing Linux.

在1990年代初期,芬兰的一位计算机科学家Linus Torvalds希望对现有的Unix操作系统,特别是Minix OS(它是Unix的另一种衍生产品)进行进一步的改进。 他的目标是使用几个GNU工具(例如GCC – GNU编译器集合和bash)创建一个免费的内核。 以下是他在发布Linux之前的第一个公告。

Eventually, he created a viable kernel which he later named Linux which gave the Operating System a new breath of life. The Operating System was free to use, and its source code made public under the GNU/GPL license.

最终,他创建了一个可行的内核,后来将其命名为Linux,这使操作系统焕然一新。 该操作系统可以免费使用,其源代码在GNU / GPL许可下公开。

This gave rise to a myriad of Linux distributions with the Linux kernel, GNU components, X- Windows GUI (Graphical User Interface) as well as BSD components licensed under FreeBSD opensource license. The rise of distributions such as Slackware and RedHat gave users ability to try out Linux from desktops and this further gave rise to several other Linux distributions which are used for Academia, home use and in production servers.

这就产生了无数的Linux发行版,其中包含Linux内核,GNU组件,X- Windows GUI(图形用户界面)以及根据FreeBSD开源许可获得许可的BSD组件。 Slackware和RedHat等发行版的兴起使用户能够从台式机上试用Linux,这进一步增加了其他几种Linux发行版,这些发行版可用于学术界,家庭使用和生产服务器。

Today, there are over 300 unique Linux distributions at distrowatch.com. Some of the most popular distributions include Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Arch Linux, Open SUSE and RedHat which dominates the Enterprise Server world.

如今, 在distrowatch.com上300多个独特的Linux发行版 。 一些最受欢迎的发行版包括Linux MintUbuntuDebianFedoraCentOSArch LinuxOpen SU​​SE和RedHat,它们在企业服务器领域占据主导地位。

Unix和Linux之间的比较 (Comparison between Unix and Linux)

Having looked at the history of Unix and the subsequent rise of Linux under GNU license which underpins free use and redistribution of Linux, let’s now draw comparisons between the two.


  • Linux code was written completely from scratch by Linus Torvalds and does not contain any Unix code. UNIX original code was written by AT&T at Bell Labs.

    Linux代码完全由Linus Torvalds从头开始编写,不包含任何Unix代码。 UNIX原始代码由Bell Labs的AT&T编写。
  • Linux is more portable and runs across a myriad of platforms/system architectures such as x86 and ARM. Unix runs in fewer platforms compared to Linux.

    Linux具有更高的可移植性,并且可以在多种平台/系统架构(例如x86和ARM)上运行。 与Linux相比,Unix在更少的平台上运行。
  • Linux is the kernel of the GNU/Linux Operating Systems. It is derived from Unix. On the other hand, UNIX is an operating system from AT&T which is a family of derived operating Systems.

    Linux是GNU / Linux操作系统的内核。 它源自Unix。 另一方面,UNIX是AT&T的操作系统,它是一系列派生的操作系统。
  • Linux is free to use, open source and it can be freely redistributed. This has facilitated the emergence of multiple Linux distributions. Unix is largely proprietary and is usually shipped or packaged along with the hardware.

    Linux是免费使用的开放源代码 ,并且可以免费重新分发。 这促进了多个Linux发行版的出现。 Unix在很大程度上是专有的,通常与硬件一起交付或打包。
  • Linux is the most preferred OS for data centers and cloud deployment due to its cost-effectiveness. Unix is mostly used in special purpose server applications and internet servers.

    由于具有成本效益,Linux是数据中心和云部署的首选操作系统。 Unix主要用于专用服务器应用程序和Internet服务器。
  • Linux offers free community support with tonnes of forums on Linux available online. For Unix, support is commercial leading to what we call vendor lock-in.

    Linux通过在线提供的大量Linux论坛提供免费的社区支持。 对于Unix,商业上的支持导致了我们所谓的供应商锁定。
  • Linux supports a variety of file systems including Ext2, Ext4, xfs, ReiserFS while UNIX supports just a few filesystems

  • Various Linux distributions release frequent system and security updates as well as bug fixes to enhance better user experience. In Unix, updates are infrequent and bug fixes can take longer.

    各种Linux发行版都发布了频繁的系统和安全更新以及错误修复程序,以改善用户体验。 在Unix中,更新很少,并且错误修复可能需要更长的时间。

结论 (Conclusion)

Perhaps the greatest difference between Linux and Unix is the huge developer community for Linux. This enables developers to contribute to open source project and provide bug fixes, security patches, and more robust systems. While UNIX systems are still evolving and popular such as Solaris and MacOS, Linux makes up for a larger user base.

Linux和Unix之间最大的区别也许就是庞大的Linux开发人员社区。 这使开发人员能够为开源项目做出贡献,并提供错误修复,安全补丁和更强大的系统。 尽管UNIX系统仍在不断发展和流行,例如Solaris和MacOS,但Linux弥补了更大的用户基础。

参考资料 (References)




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